Over on my Facebook page I was musing on how the biggest tiny has a birthday upcoming and looked back at how tiny he used to actually be. Check out for yourself below. My how kids shoot up like weeds. He'll always be a tiny heathen child to me no matter how old he gets. I just don't know how the girlfriend and I will handle the thoughts that one day each of the three tinies will act like they don't need us anymore. Tell me how you would handle these thoughts yourself please!
Head on over to my Twitter page for a perfectly accurate depiction of how a parent reacts to a child hitting a milestone as only Fowl language Comics can do. https://twitter.com/adventuresinbmm/status/719967773028429828
To further hype the duo for soccer I showed them various images from professional soccer. Then we came across one in particular which both tinies said it looked like a kung fu battle. So of course I turned it into a meme and they have been saying repeatedly for the last day, "Everybody was kung fu fighting!"
The kids were more interested in their tablets yesterday afternoon and didn't want to get ready for soccer. Thinking of something catchy that I recall being played in one of the stadiums I saw on television I quickly brought up on my computer a favorite from Bouncing Souls, Ole.
After they had danced around for the entirety of the song they were ready to get their shin guards and cleats on then kick soccer balls like maniacs. Thank goodness some catchy music can get them motivated.
As soccer has started up I found a photograph from the summer of last year at the end of the YES soccer clinic that the duo (Annelise and Zach) participated in. Seeing their happy faces reminds me how worth it it is to run them around for their activities.
Recently I talked about juggling when extracurricular activities are involved for the tiny people. This week began where the days the family doesn't have anything doing has dwindled to two days a week. Spring soccer started for the youngest and middle children. Soccer practices are on Mondays as well as Tuesdays. The oldest has drum lessons on Thursdays. Soccer games are on Saturdays and Sundays. The girlfriend and I are quite glad that they are all keeping busy and being active but we wonder as to what sort of free time we'll have for anything else. Heh. Seriously, I'm glad for the social interactions the tinies get to have with the extracurricular activities. It's good for them. Maybe in time the other parents will let us into their circle so C and I won't look like the odd ones out.
Are your children involved in any sports or clubs? Are you part of the in crowd with the other parents? Let me know your ways to getting into their circle, Until next time, keep it up on kicking butt and cleaning house!
I'm not the only one who has trouble juggling. And seeing Brian Gordon's comics at Fowl Language Comics reminds me that all parents have a tough go of it. Last year he had a brief write-up he did at Bored Panda that was the equivalent of smacking me up the side of the head as a reminder. I may not be as cool or successful as I once was but, this family looks at me like a superhero and that makes it easier to manage. The write-up Brian Gordon did is here. Go give it a read and then check out more of his work at Fowl Language Comics. You'll be glad you did.
Practically every time I feel I'm juggling my life and the lives of the family well, something happens and then it goes kaput. How do you manage to juggle and not have it go kaput. Let me know and perhaps I can use those techniques myself to better kick butt and clean house.
I was thinking about times when my juggling life is not so good and decided to look up bad juggling. I came across a cute video of a toddler being quite amused by his father's lack of skills. It reminded me that even if you're bad at juggling, others will notice you are trying and it will most likely put a smile on their face. give it a watch and it may brighten your day as it did mine. Don't forget to chime in with your own thoughts on how best to juggle!
How does one prioritize their own life when there is a significant other and three tiny heathens in the picture? I have been asking myself that same question for the last twenty months. It's hectic and stressful but I wouldn't change it for the world. From the moment the alarm goes off in the morning to either get the girlfriend up to head to work or to wake the youngest and middle child for school until I finally make my way to bed after having lunches made for everyone the following day, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I still have difficulty figuring how to achieve a balance. I'm not working, but I am taking college classes. And as any parent knows, being a parent is a full-time all on its own. There's school for the tiny people, homework, and extracurricular activities. Then there is the never-ending task of preparing meals, cleaning, laundry, and rearranging schedules As they are all still children one shouldn't be surprised that they can be rambunctious. When the girlfriend has days off she likes to try to have us all do things together so the tiny people are not bored. In our world of iPods, iPads, tablets, and other forms of technology it is important to get out of the house and do things so the technology does not take the place of the parents. This makes it difficult to find undisturbed time to do assignments. Frustration may occur from time to time but I continue to remind myself that I'm strong enough to juggle. How do you as a parent juggle your life and the lives of your tiny people?